Dear John,
It’s been a week of sobering news. The death of a worker in a
corner dairy in Sandringham, Auckland, on Wednesday night was a
tragedy for his family and the crime has reverberated around the
community and across New Zealand. I’ve been talking a lot recently
about crime and the need for consequences but, right now, I am
thinking only of the devastation of a family. My heart goes out to
The big economic news of the week came from the Reserve Bank
forecasts, which show the cost of living crisis is yet to peak,
mortgage interest rates are climbing aggressively, and a year-long
recession is expected.

Visiting the local Four Square in Napier with newly selected
candidate Katie Nimon.
I can’t condemn more strongly Labour’s mishandling of the economy.
There are global factors at work, but government spending under Prime
Minister Jacinda Ardern and her Finance Minister Grant Robertson has
been reckless. It has contributed to inflation being higher than it
otherwise would have been and every family that’s cutting back at the
supermarket or on their kids’ Christmas presents, is paying for
Labour’s spending.
A National Government would competently manage the economy. We’ll
bring discipline to government spending, would stop adding costs and
taxes on businesses, focus the Reserve Bank on controlling inflation,
provide tax relief, and change immigration settings that are keeping
out the very people New Zealand needs to let in. That’s our plan to
tackle inflation. If only Labour had one.

In the House under urgency this week, holding Jacinda Ardern to
account for Labour's complete lack of delivery for Kiwis
Finally, this week Parliament sat for very long hours as the
Government pushed through a backlog of legislation under Parliament’s
“urgency” provisions. One of the more than 20 bills considered was the
one that will bring in Three Waters, which most New Zealanders oppose.
Led by our Local Government spokesperson and North Shore MP Simon
Watts, our team fought well and hard in Parliament, and we’ll continue
to oppose Three Waters every step of the way.
Simon in action in the House here.
However, ultimately it will come down to numbers and the
Government’s majority will prevail in voting, hence National’s promise
to repeal and replace Three Waters if we become the Government next
year. Our commitment is to local ownership of local assets, and no
co-governance of public services.
Have a great weekend,
PS For those of you in the Hamilton West electorate,
advance voting in the by-election opens on Monday (November 28) ahead
of polling day on December 10. Please encourage and assist everyone
you know to get out and vote for Tama Potaka, and help us send a
message to Labour that Kiwis don’t want to keep going backwards. Every
vote counts! Thank you in advance for your support.