Huff Post reports, "Joe Biden Said Hillary Clinton Faced Sexism, But
‘That’s Not Going To Happen With Me’"
Christina Reynolds, a top aide to Clinton 2016 and current VP at Emily's
List, responded, “I hope Vice President Biden clarifies what he means here
and pushes back on any hint of this false narrative. After watching women
win in 2018 and 2019 in red, blue, and purple states, it’s clear that
women can face sexism AND get elected."
She also Tweeted, "Yes, there was sexism. And yes, it was unfair. But I
hope he's not arguing we should vote for a man to avoid it."
In 2018, it was women candidates who fueled the blue wave that flipped the
House. Can you tell Joe Biden that in 2020 electability does NOT mean old,
white, male, and conservative?
[ [link removed] ]Click here to Tweet to Joe Biden so reporters and voters see. (Feel
free to edit it into your own words!) [ [link removed] ]Click here to share our post
about Biden's comments on Facebook.
Then, [ [link removed] ]can you donate $3 to our work to elect a bold progressive
president in 2020?
We believe Elizabeth Warren is the most electable Democrat precisely
because she merges a strong anti-corruption, anti-Trump, populist platform
with the excitement of electing the first woman ever as president.
It's also worth noting that the two top vote getters in American
presidential history were a woman and a black man.
Sadly, this is just one of many out-of-touch comments we've seen from Joe
Biden this past year. He is clearly the worst contrast with Trump and our
worst foot forward if we want to defeat Trump.
* On Thursday, Biden said Clinton should have taken the [ [link removed] ]high road on
the Access Hollywood tapes. Really?
* To relate to racial strife last year, Biden made up a "gang leader" he
once knew named [ [link removed] ]Corn Pop. Many black leaders mocked him.
* Biden got criticism for calling women candidates "[ [link removed] ]angry"
* In response to a debate question about the legacy of slavery, Biden's
[ [link removed] ]rambling answer included an old racist idea about how parents of
color don't know how to raise their kids: "It’s not that they don’t
want to help -- They don’t know what quite what to do" he said. His
answer? “Leave the record player on at night” to teach kids more
* When fondly recalling days of greater civility in the Senate, Biden
invoked memories of working with two staunch [ [link removed] ]segregationists to
"get things done."
* Biden has been recorded making old fashioned, sexist jokes to young
women, like saying "[ [link removed] ]I'll bet you're as bright as you are
good-looking" to a 10-year-old, and telling men they have "[ [link removed] ]great
taste" while looking their wives up and down.
* After immigrants confronted Biden at a recent campaign event about
Obama's record of deportations, Biden told the speaker, "[ [link removed] ]You
should vote for Trump."
* And Biden's verbal stumbles might reveal more than he intends about
his views: "[ [link removed] ]Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as
white kids... (lengthy pause) ...w-wealthy kids, black kids, Asian
Do you want this to be representing you in 2020?
[ [link removed] ]Click here to Tweet to Joe Biden so reporters and voters see. (Feel
free to edit it into your own words!) [ [link removed] ]Click here to share our post
about Biden's comments on Facebook.
Then, [ [link removed] ]can you donate $3 to our work to elect a bold progressive
president in 2020?
Thanks for being a bold progressive.
-- The PCCC Team
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told PCCC members, "The majority of Americans are with us on the policies. Americans support Medicare for All, expanding Social Security benefits, gun reform, debt-free college, and a $15 minimum wage. Bold progressive values are popular EVERYWHERE. Together, we have the people. Together, with your help, we’ll have the votes." Chip in $3 here: [link removed]
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