A message from Dream.Org's CEO Nisha Anand.
Dream.org logo: a purple letter D and an orange letter O intersecting


These days it seems like the phrase “Fighting like cats and dogs” refers to us humans rather than our furry friends. We growl, yap, bark, and hiss at those we disagree with, but rarely does it change our minds or move us forward as a country. At Dream.Org, we dream of a world where people don’t have to resort to fighting it out to resolve their issues, and instead where we can work together to find real, productive solutions to the problems that affect all of us, no matter where we stand. 

But don’t take our word for it; click the video below and see what these guys have to say!

We at Dream.Org wish you a happy Thanksgiving season and want you to join us to #DreamTogether to find our common purpose to make the world a better place. 

Let’s get back to moving us all forward with kindness, respect, and a shared recognition that we are all in this together, and let’s leave the barking to the dogs. THANK YOU for your commitment & support this year to making dreams real – together.

Happy Thanksgiving
Nisha Anand, CEO of Dream.Org 

A purple letter D and an orange letter O intersecting above the word Dream.org

Making dreams real – together

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