Welcome to Thanksgiving, turkeys and stuffings...

To you, our Causes Friends—

Wherever and however you celebrate Thanksgiving, the National Day of Mourning, Dia de Ação de Graças, Kinrō Kansha No Hi, the autumn harvest, the transitioning of leaves, we wanted to take the time, as the days get darker, to thank you for your light. To give a simple thank you for all the not-so-simple things you’ve done.

Join us and make your voice heard!

Not Thankful for Ticketmaster

The U.S. Senate antitrust panel is holding a hearing on the lack of competition in the ticketing industry after Ticketmaster failed to handle the demand for Taylor Swift Era’s tour sales.

Critics say Ticketmaster unfairly dominates the ticketing industry, as the company overcharges customers with high fees and profits from its secondary market websites. 

Do you think Ticketmaster is to blame for the fiasco of Taylor Swift's ticket presale?

Thankful for Community - Young Ukrainians Are Cleaning Up Their Cities Through ‘Repair Raves'

Young Ukrainians are organizing “repair raves” to attract people to help clean up their cities while they dance and rebuild their communities. 

The young activists joined Repair Together, a long line of grassroots design activists drawing on friendship and community to attract people to help repair their war-torn cities. 

Donate to Repair Together to help Ukraine rebuild their cities.

Georgia Begins Early Voting on Saturday

Georgia's Supreme Court will allow counties in the Peach State to offer early voting on the post-holiday Saturday. If you’re voting in person, you will go to the same polling location you voted at on Nov. 8. 

It’s not too late to request an absentee ballot for this election. You can submit your application by Nov. 28.

Vote in Georgia starting November 26th.

All the Memes Fit to Post

And, In The End...

Today, we're thankful for you. The Editorial Team at Causes wants to thank you for your participation in democracy and your help in keeping it strong. Keep up the good work.

—Jamie Epstein

Talk to us via email at editorial [at] causes.com. And don’t forget to keep in touch @Causes.

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