First Name,

We want to express our vast gratitude to you today. Thank you for all of the ways you support our work to prevent gun violence in Wisconsin. Thank you for showing up and for making a difference. 

Together, WAVE staff, board members, volunteers, and supporters promoted lifesaving public policy; engaged citizens, supporters, youth, and coalition partners; and developed public awareness about gun violence in Wisconsin.

We know there is so much more to do. All of us are traumatized by the senseless gun violence in our communities. And to those who are mourning for loved ones, we see you, and we are holding you in our hearts.

We are in this together.

From all of us at WAVE, we wish you a safe and happy Thanksgiving. We're grateful to be working beside you. 

Heidi, Nick, Deja, Jacey, Kristina, Jeri, and the rest of the WAVE team

P.S. There is something you can do right now to help WAVE prevent gun violence. Do your holiday shopping on and support WAVE automatically, at no cost to you. Just click this link to select WAVE and start shopping at AmazonSmile. A percentage of every purchase you make will come right back to Wisconsin to help WAVE.


WAVE Educational Fund
PO Box 170393 | Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53217
414-351-9283 | [email protected]

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