LGBTQ+ Icelanders face 'dehumanising' new form of abuse – barking

Recent incidents involving the insulting gesture have raised fears of an upswing in anti-LGBTQ+ sentiment in liberal Iceland


Why are LGBTQ+ people up in arms over Qatar's World Cup?

Controversy over hosting the tournament in a nation that bans gay sex has loomed over its launch. Will the row bring change?

LGBTQ+ 'rainbow wave' brings U.S. midterms boost but battles ahead

Campaigners are on alert over conservative state bills even as election results show record numbers of LGBTQ+ candidates triumphed

After Club Q attack, LGBT venues grapple with safety concerns

Bars and other LGBT spaces around the U.S. are weighing how to keep their staff and patrons safe after a gunman killed five people and injured 17 more at an LGBT club in Colorado Springs

Victims and heroes in Colorado Springs LGBTQ nightclub shooting identified

Colorado Springs officials identified the five shooting victims who died and the two heroes who prevented further bloodshed at the LGBTQ nightclub

Russia's parliament passes law banning 'LGBT propaganda' among adults

Russia's parliament passed the final reading of a law that expands an existing ban on promoting "LGBT propaganda" to children to people of all ages

Italy govt loses court battle over ID documents for gay parents

A court in Italy ruled that same-sex parents have the right not to be called "father" and "mother" in the ID papers of their offspring

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