Chris is proud to have been among the first senators to demand Stephen Miller resign. But to force Stephen Miller's resignation, we can't let this story fall under the radar. Sign on to demand Stephe

Chris Coons


Chris is proud to have been among the first senators to demand Stephen Miller resign. But to force Stephen Miller's resignation, we can't let this story fall under the radar.

Sign on to demand Stephen Miller resign >>


Dear John,

As the driving force behind the President's anti-immigrant agenda, Stephen Miller was not only the architect of the Muslim travel ban, but he also helped create the cruel family separation policy that continues to tear families apart.

After the Southern Poverty Law Center exposed hundreds of emails in which Stephen Miller peddled white nationalist conspiracy theories and pitched stories to right-wing outlets like Breitbart, we sent around a petition demanding Stephen Miller's resignation, and the response was resounding.

In addition to the thousand signatures we collected, nearly 40 Senators, 100+ members of the House of Representatives, and 50+ civil rights organizations have all joined Chris in calling for Stephen Miller's resignation.

Add your name to the growing number of Americans who are ready to say in one loud voice: Stephen Miller doesn't belong anywhere near the White House.

Thank you,

Team Coons


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