The Biden regime is working furiously to give these barbarians nukes. Terrifying. Without any fear of a backlash from the Biden Administration, Iran is quite literally out of control.
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Iran -Backed Hezbollah Transporting hundreds of Chemical wWeapons to Lebanon – report
Terrifying. Without any fear of a backlash from the Biden Administration, Iran is quite literally out of control. And the Biden Administration seeks to re-enter the JCPOA. An agreement that will enable Iran to terrorize the Middle East even more. ...

WATCH: Tucker Blasts Fauci for ‘Lying About Covid’: ‘This is Insane!’
First watch how White House spokes-dope Karine Jean-Pierre loses it when a reporter asks about Covid origins:

Kringe Jean Pierre rattles and shakes during utter MELTDOWN after reporter presses Fauci on origins of COVID:

"I'M DONE!" ...

STUNNING WAPO ADMISSION: The Vaccinated Now Account for a Majority of COVID Deaths
The horror.

Anthony Fauci: "The real danger is in the people who have not been vaccinated."

I can't believe we're still being lectured by this fraud. Good riddance!!

— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) November ...

China, the Biggest Polluter in the World, Does Not Pay Climate Reparations
What a joke. And the joke is on us.

The Biden regime is bankrupting this country in the service of hoaxes and adversaries. The Democrats are a grave threat to freedom loving peoples.

Related: Beijing Biden Agrees To Pay $1 BILLION in ...

WORSE THAN THAT: 63% of Polling Locations Experienced Malfunctions, 51% Experienced Hours Long Wait Lines
How is a do-over not justified?

How is a do-over not justified? Absolute corruption.

A new report indicates the problems in Maricopa County were much more dire than election officials originally admitted:

–63% of polling locations ...

Tyrannical Biden To Extend Student Loan Payment Pause
Despite a judicial ruling against this fiat, the Biden regime continues to rape the working poor to fund woke liberals.

Related: Biden’s Student Loan Handout Struck Down By Federal Judge Bloomberg: President Joe Biden announced that his ...

“MX. Aldrich”: Suspect in Colorado Gay Club Shooting is Non-Binary, Demands They/Them Pronouns
The hell the left wrought.

The Colorado shooter informed the authorities he is non-binary, uses they/them pronouns, and requested to be referred to as Mx. Aldrich throughout the proceedings

CNN is speechless.

BREAKING: CNN anchor Alisyn ...

Two Years Later, CBS ‘confirms’ Hunter Biden laptop is real 769 days after Post broke story
The mainstream media suppressed information about Hunter Biden's laptop, which cost President Trump the election in 2020. Now the world is in total chaos. History will not be kind to the corrupt mainstream media for manipulating millions of ...

TERROR ATTACKS: Twin Bombings in Jerusalem, Child Dead, Dozens Injured
The terrible, horrible consequence of Biden's pro-terror foreign policy.

This is 15-year-old Aryeh Shechopek, a Canadian yeshiva student living in Jerusalem, who was killed in this morning’s twin terrorist bombings in Jerusalem.

May his ...

Special Counsel Investigating Trump Was Key Figure In IRS Scandal Targeting Conservative Americans
Jack Smith tried to prosecute the innocent Americans Lois Lerner targeted during the IRS scandal.

But the Biden regime expects us to believe this won't be political.

The danage the Democrats have done to our freedom, our country is ...

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