"Collectivism holds that the individual has no rights, that his life and work belong to the group . . . and that the group may sacrifice him at its own whim to its own interests. The only way to implement a doctrine of that kind is by means of brute force—and statism has always been the political corollary of collectivism."

How to be Profitable and Moral: A Rational Egoist Approach to Business
by Jaana Woiceshyn
“According to conventional morality, either a business manager maximizes profits and necessarily compromises on ethics, or necessarily sacrifices profits in order to be moral. Woiceshyn explains why this is a false dichotomy and offers rational egoism as an alternative moral code to businesspeople who want to maximize profits ethically.”

After Years of Appeasement, America Acts Morally Against Iran

By Scott Holleran

Donald Trump is the first American president to militarily counterstrike an enemy explicitly on the principle of saving American lives.

Making Resolutions Outlast January

By Wayne Dunn

Why do people make promises to themselves they don't keep?

How To Be Profitable and Moral In 2020

By Jaana Woiceshyn

Self-interest rests on what human flourishing requires: adhering to reality in one’s thinking and action by the means of observation and logic

What is the Meaning of New Year’s?

By Scott A. McConnell

Your life is in your own hands.

Against Higher Education: Is College a Government-Subsidized Rip-Off?

By John Stossel

Although Caplan thinks college is mostly a scam, he says there's one type of person who definitely benefits -- professors like him.

College Diversity Bureaucracies Undermine Education

By Walter Williams

Unless the cycle of promoting and nursing imaginary grievances is ended, diversity bureaucracies will take over our colleges and universities, supplanting altogether the goal of higher education.

In Defense of the Quid Pro Quo

By Richard M. Ebeling

What is Trump being accused of that could not be equally made about virtually every president of the United States since, at least, Franklin Delano Roosevelt?


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