A note from our Executive Director:

"To all our riders and supporters: Thank you for being by our side as we have spent another year dedicated to creative and meaningful work. We couldn’t have done it without you."

A few weeks ago, a reporter from a local newspaper asked me to react to a video clip from the 1970s where Harvey Milk made a statement that San Franciscans had to visit amusement parks “to have a pleasant place to walk and stroll” or “for a good transportation system.” Relating the video to the recent fights about public spaces like John F Kennedy Drive in Golden Gate Park, the reporter asked me if anything had changed in the decades since Supervisor Milk made that statement.

I can understand how a lack of progress may seem true on a certain level, but that also diminishes the successes we have had over the last 50 years. From our viewpoint: San Francisco has made progress. From saying a resounding no to freeway expansions that would tear down our neighborhoods, to setting our city’s ambitious climate goals that prioritize public transportation, we have pushed forward. As the city emerges from the pandemic, this year alone we celebrated the opening of Van Ness BRT; the restoration of the 21 Hayes, 15 Bayview Hunters Point, 6 Haight-Parnassus, 2 Sutter, the L, and others; as well as our much-awaited Central Subway connection to Chinatown.

San Francisco Transit Riders’ own advocacy in coordination with you, our partners and members, paved the way for new transit-only lanes, free Muni for youth, no new fare increases, and the victory on Prop L. At the same time, however, we also understand how close we are to seeing the city’s transit system buckle if no new revenue is identified for the long haul. Therefore, our work in 2022 has focused on creative solutions and collective collaboration, and we are excited to share those with you as we plan for the new year.  

With COVID decimating ridership for San Francisco’s vital public transportation system and further exacerbating SFMTA’s structural deficit of $75M a year, and with time running out for one-time funds, the potential for far-reaching effects on transit are not hard to fathom. Riders will face significant service cuts unless additional revenue can be found. Undergirding this is also a continued distrust of our transit agencies in some communities and the legacy of transportation as catalyst for gentrification and displacement in equity priority neighborhoods. Prop L’s win is some relief but the precise pathway to identify new transit operating funding to expand and stabilize service at a level matching the peak demands and needs identified even before the pandemic is not yet clear.

Since August of 2022, the San Francisco Transit Riders has been convening a set of stakeholders to form a Transit Justice Coalition, with the idea of building a rider-led movement to reinvest in Muni and transit systems across the Bay Area, reimagining what transit might look like when it centers the needs of transit riders. Our hope is to set in motion a process of coalition building and rider organizing led by riders and communities like the Bayview-Hunters Point which have been historically marginalized or actively harmed by past transportation decision making. In this effort we are asking pointed questions. What does a transit vision look like in San Francisco that is led by community-based organizations, everyday riders, and advocates that prioritizes our most marginalized riders? How can we work with supervisorial champions and coalition partners to identify new, progressive revenue sources to fund key policies and programs within that rider vision?

We believe that engaging community stakeholders including community-based organizations representing equity priority communities (the Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporations and the Bayview Hunters Point Community Advocates) around the creation of a rider-led vision of public transportation in San Francisco can provide direction, organization and commitment toward campaign efforts that are necessary to achieve this vision. This vision can build off existing plans such as Connect SF, SFMTA’s 5-minute network or even SFTR’s 30x30, but it must come from organic and authentic collaboration, rather than a top-down approach set out by SFTR or city leaders.

On a related note, we have been also making headway in the Bayview community specifically, surveying residents on Sunday Streets, local fairs, through intercepts at transit stops and through focus groups. Again and again, residents have confirmed their top three challenges in the neighborhood: unreliable and infrequent transit, uneven streets, and an unsafe transit experience. The spark in the community to engage is clearly there. Further, San Francisco Transit Riders is hopeful about providing the missing platform for dialogue between residents and our transit leadership and decision makers.  

We think we can be successful if our efforts can lead towards change that centers the needs of residents everywhere, but especially those who have been long neglected. We can strive to create agency in communities such as the Bayview, agency that will be transformational for the future of equitable transit for San Francisco.

So, as we continue to work on these critical issues, it is important to remember that a theme park, however dream-like it may be, will never offer a public realm that we desire for ourselves—for it is privately owned and governed by profit. My hope is that we can create city streets that represent a true public realm that offers something for everyone but never at the cost of further marginalizing the dispossessed in our society. 

That onus is on us all.

And that is where the San Francisco Transit Riders can also help elevate your voice.

Our heartfelt thanks to you and your leadership. Your support affirms the essential value of public transportation to our great city and your commitment to uphold that value. I hope you will participate in our end of the year activities that we have planned for you. Stay tuned for our announcement next week of membership events dedicated to riders like you, such as a tour of the Potrero Yards with other SFTR members, a happy hour, free SFTR t-shirts and more!

Warm regards and happy holidays,



John- Become a member today! Your membership provides access to member benefits, special access to events, opportunities to inform our priorities, and to help us lead the fight for Muni funding!


P.O. Box 193341, San Francisco, California  94119 [email protected]

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