Team —

November has been quite the month.

Between the busy election season, Jon campaigning hard to defend the Senate majority (success!!), and Donald Trump announcing a third run for president — there’s been a lot going on. Fundraising has taken a back seat this month, and now with just a week to go, we’re crunching the numbers and realizing we’re way behind. 

Don’t worry, we’re not here to scare you or say the sky is falling. Missing a fundraising goal here and there isn’t the end of the world. But what it does mean is that we’ll have fewer resources heading into 2023 to start building the infrastructure we need to defend our Senate majority in 2024. 

And we get it, political burnout is real. You’re probably tired of all these messages asking for money, especially just weeks after the election. But the truth is: Early money wins elections. 

So team, before you log off for the holidays, will you chip in anything you can give to help us meet our November fundraising goal by the 30th?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thanks for being a part of this grassroots team — and have a happy Thanksgiving.

— Team Tester