And I assure you -- it won't be long before that happens.
Left-wing radicals at the Big Tech companies HATE the Bee because our satirical takedowns of their woke nonsense are their kryptonite.
All day, every day, we expose the absurdity underlying their worldview through the wonderfully pleasant prism of satirical humor.
But as you and I both know, the radical Left has no sense of humor. They can't abide being mocked, so they silence voices like ours that dare to point out the truth.
Earlier this year, we were canceled without warning by our email vendor, and we went for weeks without being able to send or receive email. Then, we were locked out of TikTok for the crime of posting satire.
We have been smeared by The New York Times, "fact checked" (seriously!) by the left-wing site Snopes, suspended by Facebook, and much more.
It's just a matter of time before the next woke platform decides that they can't handle our satirical content and locks us out permanently.
And when that happens, we can't count on a free speech-loving billionaire to bail us out.
We got lucky this time, but as the old saying goes, luck isn't a strategy.
No -- our strategy for remaining cancel-proof hinges on an ever-growing base of free speech-loving, free-thinking friends just like you. I hope you'll help us continue the fight by becoming a subscriber right now.