Friend — It’s been just over 2 weeks since we won our race, defeating longtime extremist Chabot, and to say it has been a whirlwind would be an understatement.

I attended the first week of Congressional orientation in D.C, where I learned about how to do great constituent services, pursue a legislative agenda, hired staff, and much more!
I was also interviewed on Meet The Press and PBS Newshour, and even made my first appearance in The Washington Post (well, half of me did).

But most importantly, I’ve gotten to know legislators on both sides of the aisle, people who want to fight for their constituents. Like them, I’m ready to get to work for the people of my district, and for children and families across the country.
I’m ready to get to work for you, friend. So please don’t hesitate to reach out with questions, concerns, or any suggestions to help you get the most out of your representation.
Thank you,
Greg Landsman
Congressman-elect, OH-01