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Our pals over at Resolute Square wanted to offer all of us at The Union a special discount on subscriptions, as a show of thanks for all our hard work over the past year. Please read on for this exciting opportunity to be a part of this ambitious new project.

I hope you have a fantastic Thanksgiving,


Hello Amazing Volunteer for The Union!

Because we love The Union and are thankful for all the hard work you’ve done over the last year, we’re extending you all a special discount offer on Resolute Square subscriptions. These are larger discounts than we’ve offered anywhere else, so please keep the discount code for your very own use and not share it on social media. It has a cap on the number of uses, so sharing it far and wide could mean that your fellow Union volunteers could be left out!

Use code: UNION25 when you subscribe, and you get 25% off both the Supporting Member and Founding Member subscriptions! The code expires at midnight on December 10, so no dawdling!

At Resolute Square, the mission is simple: fighting back against the MAGA media and elevating pro-democracy voices. And that's why I'm sharing this with you...we need your help to make that happen.

Resolute Square is an ambitious effort to re-think the way the media fights against autocracy beyond the 2024 presidential race. FOX News went from a small upstart to defining an entire era of political discourse. And Resolute Square is no less ambitious.

But we want to do it through the support of members and the pro-democracy community, not a handful of malicious billionaires and wannabe despots. That all starts with individuals like you helping out and becoming a Member of the movement.
Giving your support to Resolute Square gets you a number of benefits, including...
  • The weekly Resolute Insider Newsletter, featuring exclusive commentary from Rick Wilson, Stuart Stevens, Jen Mercieca, David Pepper, Rick Galen, Joe Trippi, Lisa Senecal, Maya May, and more. You can get an early look at their insights here.
  • Invites to weekly Strategy Calls, where Tara Setmayer and others host live discussions about the week's political news, with members taking part in the conversation directly.
  • Merch, which looks pretty damn good.
  • Resolute Square is also starting a podcast network, beginning with The Enemies List and That Trippi Show, which are free to listen and subscribe to.

A word from the Founding Partners

We know we’re not telling anyone at The Union something new when we say defeating Donald Trump is not enough. Today the MAGA Republican Party has morphed into a sweeping authoritarian crusade. Don’t let the buffoonish characters fool you – it is a dedicated, serious movement housed in the Republican party, funded by billionaire plutocrats, staffed by dangerous men and women, and amplified by the radical right-wing media ecosystem led by Fox News. They are confident, patient, and committed to breaking American democracy.

And their propaganda machine is growing. Every hour of every day, dozens of radical, right-wing media outlets pump poison into the democratic bloodstream. They thrive on conspiracy, incite hatred, promote violence, spread lies, and tear down America. It is not enough to defeat their hateful candidates; to save the America we love, we must rise up and fight the evil MAGA media with the ferocity it took to defeat Donald Trump.

Traditional media has failed the moment. This is not the time to tell both sides of a lie. We can’t win this war hoping existing media will suddenly learn how to fight. It will never happen, and each day the power of right-wing media grows, a viper wrapping itself around the good heart of America.

This is why some of us from the Lincoln Project have launched a new organization with one mission: fight Fox News and its hateful spawn.
Resolute Square is built by warriors to go to war. It will be your voice to take on bullies, liars, and freaks like Tucker Carlson and Ben Shapiro. The MAGA media have convinced themselves they are too powerful to be challenged. We remember when a guy named Donald Trump did the same. You helped prove him wrong. Now it’s time once again to speak truth to power. 
Resolute Square is not a billionaire’s vanity project. There are no Corporate Over Lords. We are free to fight with whatever it takes to win for democracy. And we know how to win.
But we need your help. We need you to join us in the fight at Resolute Square. Help us build the weapon to blow up the MAGA Media Death Star. We start small, but we are fearless and fiercely determined. With every American who joins Resolute Square, we grow stronger.

This is what we all know: there are more of us than there are of them. We are right, and they are wrong. We will build this together.

For too many years, we have stared at our screens filled with the lies of Fox News and its detestable imitators in disgust and rage. This is our chance to turn the tables. It’s time we made the other side stare at their screens, asking, “Who the hell do they think they are?” while we dismantle their palace of lies one gold brick by gold brick.

We can do this. We must do this. Together.

The battle begins at Resolute Square.

— Stu Stevens, Rick Wilson, Joe Trippi, Reed Galen

The Union is a single issue, pro-democracy coalition. While the Union is supported in its launch by The Lincoln Project and the reach of their 7 million followers, we are an independent, volunteer-driven, self-organizing force of people, partners, and actions aligned in defense of our democracy.

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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