Our work to #StopToxicTwitter is making a difference.

Hey there --

Our campaign to urge Twitter advertisers to stop advertising on the platform is working. 

Yesterday, news broke that more than half of Twitter’s top 100 advertisers have stopped running ads on Twitter. According to Media Matters, “These advertisers have accounted for nearly $2 billion in spending on the platform since 2020.” [1] Some of the top advertisers who have stopped running ads include Chipotle, General Motors, Macy’s, and United Airlines.

Here’s how we made a difference:

When Elon Musk acquired the company and began rolling back community and brand safety standards, we assembled a coalition of 60+ civil rights and civil society organizations to respond by calling on Twitter’s top advertisers to stop running ads on the platform globally.

Together, we have sent a strong message to Twitter’s top advertisers and they listened. Musk is learning that his actions have consequences. Twitter’s revenue is taking a hit for his rampant disregard for basic guardrails.

Our work depends on supporters like you. We’re so grateful for everyone stepping up and holding Big Tech companies like Twitter accountable for undermining our safety and privacy. Chip in to support our work to continue to put pressure on Elon Musk.


While Elon Musk continues to open the door to more hate and extremism on the platform by reinstating formerly banned accounts including Donald Trump, we’re going to keep up the pressure. Unless and until Musk can be trusted to enforce Twitter’s prior community standards, the platform is not safe for users or advertisers.

As we prepare for the Thanksgiving holiday, I cannot overstate how grateful we are for your support. Whether taking action and signing our petitions or chipping in a few dollars, our work wouldn’t be possible without supporters like you.

Hope you have a wonderful start to the holiday season,


Nicole Gill
Co-founder and Executive Director
Accountable Tech


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