November 23, 2022

We Are Grateful for Our Volunteers - Thank You!

Eastern Bluebirds, Danny Brown/Audubon Photography Awards


Volunteers are our lifeblood – so we share our gratitude for all of the work they do!

Thanks for so many things - from organizing and leading bird walks, to collecting citizen science data, to serving on various committees. A special thank you to the dozens of people who make our chapter run, including our wonderful board of directors who donate their time to do everything from accounting, to advocacy, to grant-writing, to getting their hands dirty planting natives in local parks. And thanks, too, to the Nextgen members who have volunteered this year! We are all connected by our common interest in birds and wildlife, and driven to help protect species and habitats here in Northern Virginia. We are now looking for new volunteers to help us with advocacy, outreach, bird walks, and more.

If you want to get involved as a volunteer, you can sign up here.


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Audubon Society of Northern Virginia · 11100 Wildlife Center Drive · Ste. 100 · Reston, VA 20190 · USA