Modern life requires access to a stable supply of energy. 💡
As humanity has refined the process of capturing energy from fossil fuels, life has flourished. In the United States, we are blessed with an abundance of energy resources, including coal, oil, and natural gas. Today, these energy sources provide 80% of the energy we use every day to sustain the modern lives we’ve become accustomed to. 

Unfortunately, extreme policies coming from the Left stand to undermine the stability of our energy systems while also making it prohibitively expensive. Anti-fossil fuel energy policies and keep-it-in-the-ground activists have pushed an agenda in the Biden administration that has produced expensive gasoline, increased electricity bills, and reduced reliability. The centerpiece of this agenda is a forced “transition” to renewable energy that is ill-equipped, from a purely technical perspective, to meet modern energy demands.
Some will argue that these energy disruptions, financial pain, and economic suppression today are necessary to save the environment, but this is not true. Flourishing economies lead to better environmental outcomes, and we know how to attain this important balance in the U.S.



Georgetown’s Student Newspaper Cancels a Candidate for Attending a Conservative Event

Pressuring students not to associate with conservative groups will likely chill some activities on campus. This effort hurts conservatives, as these same groups provide meaningful programming and connect students with internships and jobs, among other benefits. Going to a social event to make new friends or learn about different ideas now has an added potential cost at Georgetown. Read More.
Media Spotlight

Your World with Neil Cavuto | Disney CEO Shakeup, Going Woke Will Make You Broke Watch

Making Money with Charles Payne | FTX Crypto Collapse, Buying Influence in DC Watch

Problematic Women | Single Women and Election Outcomes, Senate’s (Dis)Respect for Marriage Act, Tattoos and Gender Treatments Listen

Daily Caller | Dear GOP: Don’t Attack Women For How They Vote Read

The American Spectator | Federal Reserve Board’s Risky ESG Gamble Read


Leftist Women’s Organizations Are Working Tirelessly to End a Legal Theory That Protected Their Right to Vote

Opponents of women’s suffrage attempted to use the courts to deny the right to vote to women. But independent state legislature theory was applied by the Supreme Court to preserve the 19th Amendment. It’s shameful that leftist and partisan women’s groups — who claim to advance the interests of women voters — have forgotten. Read More.


3 Reasons Inflation Is Gobbling up Your Thanksgiving Budget

The holidays are here, and inflation is pulling up a chair at our Thanksgiving Day feast. Join IWN member Patrice Onwuka as we discuss the topic of inflation and how it will affect holidays this year.

Join in the conversation and comment some of your tips for saving on Thanksgiving and what you’re blessed with this year!


Food and Holidays

The holidays are quickly approaching, and many families will be sitting down to family dinners to celebrate. 

Can you identify which of the following is not true about conventional fruits and vegetables sold in the grocery store?

A. All produce sold in grocery stores is safe for human consumption.
B. To avoid pesticide residue in your Thanksgiving meal, only buy organic products at the grocery store.
C. Humans can’t eat enough food to reach the dangerous level of pesticide residue set by the EPA.

She Thinks Podcast

Never miss an episode. Available on your favorite podcast apps: 
  • New Episode: John Tillman, CEO of the American Culture Project, joins the program to discuss what voters really want, especially the persuadable middle. Listen Now
  • Next Episode 11/25: Lindsey Stroud, a visiting fellow at IWF and director of the Taxpayers Protection Alliance’s (TPA) Consumer Center, joins the podcast to to dive into the details of the newest policy focus on e-cigarettes and public health. Tune In Here


The Anti-Adoption Drumbeat

November is National Adoption Month, an occasion usually devoted to celebrating adoptive parents and asking more families to step up and care for children whose own parents are unable or unwilling to do so. But this year it might be more appropriate to use the occasion to ask why state and federal agencies put “social justice” above child welfare.


Some Highlights of the Post-9/11 Veteran

Understanding how every cohort or general era of veterans is in fact often made up of subgroups of veterans who have served across eras, is vital to understanding which services and benefits, and at what scale, particular cohorts of veterans are in need of. It also illustrates how today’s veterans were yesterday’s soldiers, and how their evolution matches the evolution of the U.S. Armed Forces across time.

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