Dear John,

A short but heartfelt message from your friends at Earthworks...

I hope your holiday season is filled with joy in the company of loved ones.

We've come together this year to protect air, land, water and the health of our families and communities. More tough challenges are heading our way in 2023. Rest assured, you'll be hearing much more from us soon about how we can work together in the months ahead.

But not today. 

Today is a moment for stopping and celebrating the blessings in our lives. That's you, your partnership, and all that we accomplish together.

You helped us save pristine locations from reckless mining projects. You helped us win tough new restrictions on methane pollution. You helped us put the brakes on new oil & gas and petrochemical infrastructure. You helped us give vulnerable frontline families the answers they need and the support they deserve.

For all of that, and so much more, thank you for standing with us!

Sending you our warmest wishes for a wonderful holiday season!


Jennifer Krill
Executive Director
Earthworks  |  Make a Donation

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Washington, DC 20006
202-887-1872 | [email protected] 
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