A Living New Deal Webinar

"Town Destroyer"— Arnautoff and the Art of Controversy
A webinar with filmmakers Deborah Kaufman and Alan Snitow

Tuesday, November 29, 2022 5pm-6pm PDT
What is role of the artist in reflecting America to itself? Victor Arnautoff was one of the most prolific artists in San Francisco. His mural at George Washington High School, "Life of Washington,” is widely interpreted as a critique of America’s founding myths. Yet, some see the mural as racist, leading to calls for its removal. Filmmakers Alan Snitow and Deborah Kaufman will discuss the making of their latest film, "Town Destroyer," and answer questions following their presentation. Join the conversation. Free. REGISTER

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The Living New Deal documents the vast legacy the New Deal (1933-1942) left to America
and the spirit of public service that inspired it.
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