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Dear John,

Since 1973, Roe v. Wade was treated as the law of the land in the United States. Its reversal has been a focal point for the entire pro-life movement. In 2023, we will mark the first full year of America free of Roe. It is the beginning of a new era in the pro-life movement. Yet abortion is still with us. How do we move forward?

Americans United for Life is excited to announce the American Life Initiative, our vision for the pro-life movement post-RoeA strategic roadmap, the American Life Initiative will guide our work at AUL for years to come. The American Life Initiative has already been warmly received by our allies in the movement, and we’re grateful that many look to Americans United for Life for leadership, guidance, and strategy in this new era.

Our vision for the pro-life movement post-Roe is to advance the human right to life in all 50 states, in the territories, at the federal level, in the courts, and in culture. We need to provide and model law and policy that is truly pro-mother, pro-father, and pro-child. We need to provide federal solutions post-Roe. We need to continue to convince the courts to protect life. Finally, we need a generational focus on our final destination: a constitutional amendment that will abolish abortion in America.

The American Life Initiative is our roadmap for this new era. Will you join us?


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For Life,

Steven H. Aden, J.D.
Chief Legal Officer & General Counsel,
Americans United For Life
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