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Everybody loves thank you notes!
This morning we received a gracious thank you letter (see below) from Rebecca Jim, Executive Director of L.E.A.D Agency, a Native American, environmental justice organization in Miami, OK.
L.E.A.D. was one of 23 recipients of mini grants from Anthropocene Alliance, paid for by supporters like you. They used the money to put up billboards on Main Street protesting U.S. Senator James Inhofe’s support for increased water levels in Grand Lake: “Senator Inhofe: “We didn’t elect you to flood us.”
Rebecca Jim in front of the billboard on Main Street, Miami, OK.
The Republican Senator, notable for his climate change denialism, owns a vacation home on the lake, and passed a bill mandating higher water levels ([link removed]) to ensure good fishing and boating, despite the flooding it causes to local residents.
Flooding in Miami, OK, 2019. Photo credit, Waterkeeper Alliance/J. Pat Carter.
Rebecca is one of dozens of Higher Ground leaders across the U.S. organizing and advocating for action on climate change and flooding. Even the smallest contributions can help people like Rebecca - we welcome your continuing support today.
Best wishes and Happy New Year,
Harriet Festing
Stephen F. Eisenman
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