From Will Marshall, PPI <[email protected]>
Subject U.S. Democracy Just Dodged a Bullet
Date November 23, 2022 1:29 PM
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Even as Republicans take narrow control of the House of Representatives, Democrats are still aglow over their political gravity-defying performance...

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U.S. Democracy Just Dodged a Bullet
By Will Marshall
Founder and President of the Progressive Policy Institute

** for The Hill ([link removed])

Even as Republicans take narrow control of the House of Representatives, Democrats are still aglow over their political gravity-defying performance in the midterm elections. More gratifying than the partisan scorecard, however, is the big civic takeaway: Anti-democratic extremism mattered to America’s voters.

They can’t abide it and they voted against candidates who embraced it. This despite the punditocracy’s herd-like certitude that Americans can’t see beyond their kitchen table and would mainly vote their pocketbooks.

Many did – inflation was the top issued cited by voters, and those who gave it priority voted overwhelmingly for Republicans. But many didn’t, turning what would normally be big off-year election gains by the out party into a rebuke of Trumpism.

Consequently, U.S. democracy dodged a bullet this month, giving Americans something else to be grateful for this Thanksgiving.
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