“It’s a hidden history right in front of our eyes. The buildings, artworks and so much more were created all over the country during the New Deal of the 1930s and 40s. To bring that hidden history to light, the online archive "The Living New Deal" documents those sites across the country.”
         --PBS NewsHour, November 14, 2022

Dear Friends of the Living New Deal,
In case you missed it, last week the Living New Deal was featured on the PBS NewsHour. The 6-minute, prime-time profile featured our founder, Gray Brechin, and me showing Arts & Culture reporter Jeffrey Brown around several New Deal sites in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Our moment in the national spotlight has sparked an outpouring of interest in the Living New Deal. We’ve been flooded with congratulations from around the country, thousands have visited our website and joined our mailing list and many new volunteers and donors have stepped forward.
This heartening response validates our efforts to keep the New Deal in the eyes of the nation. Our online map has grown to over 17,500 documented sites; our outreach through webinars, tours and social media continues to educate Americans; and we are a key resource for people trying to recreate such New Deal-type programs today as the CCC and Federal Writers' Project.
We have three ambitious initiatives to pursue in the coming year: “Making the New Deal Visible in Los Angeles,” the fourth of our maps and guides to the New Deal in major cities; “Saving Endangered New Deal Art,” building a network of experts and activists to preserve threatened New Deal art and architecture; and "Teaching the New Deal,” online educational resources for teachers and students about the New Deal and its relevance today.
Help us ride this wave of momentum. Your donations keep us going and growing! We are grateful for your support. 
Happy Holidays,
The Living New Deal
We are a 501c3 organization. Donations are tax deductible.
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P.O. Box 2148
Berkeley, CA 94720-4740

Department of Geography
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-4740


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