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Join the fight for genetic justice

Dear John,

The giving season is just ahead, and the fight for genetic justice is heating up. Your generous support for the Center for Genetics and Society will keep our work moving forward. Here’s a small sample of what we accomplished in 2022.

We organized compelling events with dynamic speakers tackling tough questions about our shared human future, including:

We convened and led a global network of scholars and advocates through our Missing Voices Initiative, Generation Equality Forum Coalition, invitational Assisted Reproductive Technologies Working Group, and Surrogacy360

We wrote and spoke widely, pushing public and policy discussions of human biotechnologies to center social justice and human rights, via the CGS blognewsletter and social media, and in media appearances like the national debate Should we use gene editing to make “better babies?”

We have even more ambitious plans for the coming year, when we’re expecting crucial developments on genome editing and other human biotechnologies. 

Will you join the fight for genetic justice in 2023?

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With Giving Tuesday fast approaching, we’re turning to our community to support our mission and team. We've set a year-end fundraising goal of $18,500. Thanks to a few generous supporters, we’re already 20% of the way there!

CGS is the only US civil society organization bringing social justice and human rights to the center of debates on human genetics and assisted reproduction. Your generosity will put us in shape for the challenges ahead.

Can you make a year-end gift to help CGS keep going strong?

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We are deeply grateful for your efforts, your company, and your support.

Warm wishes,

Marcy and Katie