The future of millions of Georgians depends on the action we take today. 


As we write this, voters are gearing up to cast their early ballots in the runoff election and determine the direction of Georgia. Will Georgia send voting rights champion Senator Raphael Warnock back to the U.S. Senate, or will we allow anti-voter and anti-democracy candidate Herschel Walker to seize power?

Here at Fair Fight, we know we have what it takes to win this race and make history again, because we’ve done it before. That’s why we set an ambitious goal of reaching 1,000 donations from your state by midnight yesterday to help send pro-democracy candidate Senator Warnock back to the U.S. Senate. But we fell short on our goal. If you’re ready to take action, will you rush a donation to Fair Fight’s 2022 Georgia Runoff Fund right away?


We have a plan to lead a massive voter mobilization effort to win this race, but we need supporters like you to put it into action. 

With your continued support, we’ll be able to raise critical resources needed to win this runoff. A donation of any amount will help to:

  • Educate voters about why having a strong pro-voter majority in the U.S. Senate is so important for the future of our democracy,
  • Reduce the spread and impact of disinformation to ensure people have accurate information about the voting process, 
  • Fight back against voter suppression tactics and respond to voting issues to ensure that every eligible voter is able to cast their ballot,
  • Scale up our voter outreach to deliver crucial information to voters across Georgia through text messages, phone calls, and media, and
  • Organize to build coalitions among diverse groups of voters to ensure everyone’s interests are represented.

We know that re-electing Senator Warnock is going to take the full strength of this grassroots movement, so the future of millions of Georgians depends on the action we take today.

We have a goal of raising 1,000 donations from your state to fund our get out the vote efforts — and right now we’re less than halfway there. Can you make a donation of $20 or anything you can to our 2022 Georgia Runoff Fund before our midnight deadline?


Thanks for all your support,

The Fair Fight Team