It was great to see many of you at the Lighted Parade last weekend, welcoming Santa to town as he rode in on a Fire Truck with the children of the community. In Town Square, we presented him with a proclamation and the keys to the city. The Northville parade was outstanding with 37 floats and Christmas trees in four Ford Lightning Trucks leading things off.   
As we prepare for the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, it is truly up to all of us to slow down and reflect on all that we are thankful for in our lives. Like many, I am sincerely grateful for family & friends. Thanksgiving (as you know) is a national holiday and is even celebrated (on various dates) outside the U.S.  It began as a day of giving thanks for the blessings of the harvest. Thanksgiving has historical roots in religious & cultural traditions and has long been celebrated as a secular holiday as well.

Let’s review some of the events that are happening in Northville:

  • Military & Veteran Banner Program – Stroll through town during the Thanksgiving weekend and view over 250 hero banners honoring those brave individuals from our community for whom we should be thankful for their service & patriotism.
  • Final Leaf Collection Weeks – North of 8 Mile:  12/5, South of 8 Mile:  11/28
  • Tipping Point Theatre – (361 E. Cady) The Theatre is getting into the Holiday spirit performing “It’s a Wonderful Life” until Dec. 18, see link for details. LINK
  • Christmas in the Village (Mill Race Historical Village) – 12/2 and 12/3, 5-8pm. For info and to register, see link or call (248) 348-1845. LINK
  • December in Downtown Northville – A Holiday to Remember!”  Friday nights will feature music in the streets, Saturday nights will offer Horse & Buggy rides and on Sundays, see live Reindeer & Holiday Characters around town from 3PM - 5PM. See LINK for details. LINK


  • 1800’s – Starting in the late 1800s, large community Thanksgiving gatherings took place yearly at Northville’s meeting place (Princess Rink - Dunlap/Center area), including a night-before gala event with food & live music for Northvillians and those from surrounding communities.
  • 1800’s to early 1900’s – Historically, ecumenical Thanksgiving Eve services were held with many of the local churches gathering together, helping to grow a holiday spirit of cooperation and support for those in need in the community.
  • From 1800’s till Today – Thanksgiving baskets & meals for those in need have always been part of the holiday. Many organizations such as the Masons, Eagles, VFW, American Legion, Rotary, Woman’s Club, and others have continued this tradition to this day.
  • Early 1900s – A great deal of Thanksgiving activities were happening… the traditional Thanksgiving football game at the Athletic Park (where Northville Downs is today) and events at the library, sponsored by the Woman’s Club. At one library program in 1916, Asa Randolph, age 87, spoke of early Northville remembrances followed by a reading of a poem by Robert Yerkes. Asa and Robert represented two of the distinguished pioneer families of Northville.
  • 1932 – According to The Northville Record, it was an extraordinarily hard year economically for the Village. Council rose to the emergency and combined forces with the American Legion, St. Vincent de Paul Society and many other local organizations to form a local Central Welfare Committee.
  • 1972 – The Record published a proclamation from Mayor Allen. It read, in part: “I, the Mayor of Northville, do hereby proclaim November 23rd as a time for sincere thanksgiving for the people of our community.“

    I would add to this my own best wishes for all in the community to have a safe, restful & enjoyable holiday. Let’s all share our time & talents with those in need around us on a daily basis.

    Keep that Northville Thanksgiving Faith!

Brian Turnbull
Mayor – Northville
[email protected] / 248.505.6849

(Reach out to me anytime or forward this communication to others interested.)

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