Twenty candidates will take the stage Tuesday and Wednesday nights for the second Democratic debates, but the field won't be this crowded for long.
Hickenlooper 2020 |


You may have noticed your inbox teeming with campaign emails, and there’s a good reason you’ve been hearing so much from this campaign and others in recent days: We are at a pivotal moment in the 2020 race.

Twenty candidates will take the stage Tuesday and Wednesday night for the second Democratic debates, but the field won’t be this crowded for long.

We are turning a corner. As we head into the fall and the leaders of this race begin to emerge, not everyone will be able to keep up.

It takes resources to travel the country and talk to voters and to get our message out. It takes resources to run ads that get John’s name out in all 50 states. And it’ll take 130,000 unique donors to qualify for the next round of Democratic debates.

That’s where you come in—we need you to help John become a frontrunner in this race. If you’ve ever thought about chipping in to this campaign, or if you’ve thought about donating again, there’s no time left to wait. Chip in any amount now to help John break out in this race.

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Thank you,
M.E. Smith

Mary Ellen Smith
Campaign Director
Hickenlooper 2020








Paid for by Hickenlooper 2020

PO Box 6377, Denver, CO 80206

Contributions or gifts to Hickenlooper 2020 are not tax deductible.

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