Remember EMET on Giving Tuesday

Many people living in liberal democracies, who have no notion of what it is like to live among people who want to destroy your very existence, do not allow Israel to take appropriate measures to defend its citizens from the constant barrage of missile attacks, drone attacks, or other terrorist attacks. They do not know what it is like to have 60 seconds or less to run into a sealed room with one’s children or grandchildren, witness an explosion, or mourn for a loved one killed in an act of terror.
EMET has worked tirelessly over the decades to ensure that, according to Article 51 of the United Nations Charter, Israel has the same right as any other nation to sovereignly determine how best to ensure the safety and survival of Israel and its citizens.

EMET is your voice on Capital Hill. Investing in EMET means supporting a young organization, which is lean, intelligent, dedicated, and capable. Nothing is wasted on bloated bureaucracy or cushy Washington D.C. real estate. Supporting EMET means getting your contribution directly to the front lines of the war of Ideas, where it matters the most. Your support is essential for these our work to continue.
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