There’s a dirty trick, common among corporations big and small, that corporations use to get out of paying for health insurance, worker’s comp, and their share of Social Security and Medicare contributions.
It’s called misclassification―designating workers as “independent contractors” when they should be regulated as full-time employees. The Biden administration is getting ready to crack down on it―and they’re looking to hear from the public!
Corporations say that screwing workers saves them money. That’s true―but the past year’s combination of record-high inflation and record-high corporate profits shows that when corporations save money, they don’t pass those savings along to customers. It’s time to make corporations take responsibility for their workers and stop misclassifying them!
Tell the Department of Labor: Support the proposed rule to crack down on worker misclassification!
Social Security works so well because everybody has a role. We all pay in, throughout our working lives―both workers and employers. When greedy corporations try to upset that balance by forcing workers to shoulder the full burden, it weakens our Social Security system.
Together, we’ll make sure that Social Security stays strong. Tell the Department of Labor to protect Social Security and stop corporations from exploiting workers!
Michael Phelan Social Security Works