This election season, voters helped Democrats maintain control of
the Senate, minimized losses in the House, and passed key ballot
measures protecting and expanding our freedoms.
We joined with our neighbors across lines of difference to reject
politicians who use antisemitism, anti-immigrant rhetoric, and
anti-Black racism to spread fear and division.
Now, we’re ready to continue this crucial work. Join
us for a special national call on Sunday, December 11 at 7:30PM ET /
4:30PM PT to hear from Bend the Arc leadership and learn how you can
take action for our shared liberation in 2023 and

On the call, Bend the Arc CEO Jamie Beran and
other members of the Bend the Arc team will dig into:
- how anti-Black racism and antisemitism function
together to maintain systems of oppression;
- understanding these connections in order to fight
back, including responding to antisemitism in solidarity and
without creating harm; and
key opportunities to act locally and nationally over
the next year and with an eye to the 2024 elections.
Even with historic results, we have a lot of work ahead of us to
dismantle white supremacy, achieve Black liberation, and create an
inclusive multiracial democracy where we all thrive.
Our Jewish communities have a significant role to play in this
work. On our December call, we’ll focus on strengthening our ability
to play that role — and we want you to join us.
to join Bend the Arc and people across the country on Sunday, December
11 at 7:30PM ET / 4:30PM PT.
In community,
The Bend the Arc team