Dear friend,
Giving Tuesday is one week away! It's a day where people worldwide are encouraged to support organizations that make their community better. Will you remember FAMM and help us reach our fundraising goal of $10,000?
As you celebrate the holidays with loved ones this year, FAMM is tirelessly fighting to give people second chances so that they can be home with their loved ones. On Giving Tuesday, you’ll hear from Yvonne Mosley and Christopher Holyfield, who are celebrating Thanksgiving together for the first time since 2000.
Chris was granted compassionate release thanks to changes FAMM secured in the First Step Act. In addition to his remarkable rehabilitation, the judge took into account a memo from the government that said the crack-to-powder sentencing disparity — which gave Chris such a long sentence in the first place — should be abolished.
We're fighting to abolish the disparity by pushing Congress to pass the EQUAL Act before the end of the year. A gift today will allow us to fight even harder and help us get more people like Chris home for Thanksgiving next year.
Will you make a gift now to help fund this important work?
Thank you,

Kevin Ring
President, FAMM