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The General Medical Council is reviewing its decision not to investigate a doctor accused of evangelising about his Christian faith after the NSS challenged
The NSS has written to the speaker of the House of Commons, Lindsay Hoyle, asking for a review of the practice of reciting Christian prayers in the
UK parliament.
Education authorities in Ireland are spending almost €10m of taxpayers' money on hiring religious chaplains for State-run multidenominational secondary
There have been reports of masked men attacking students at one of India's most prestigious universities. The university recently saw protests over a
discriminatory citizenship law. The student union at the university blamed the latest violence on a right-wing student body linked to India's governing Hindu
nationalist BJP party.
Anti-abortion campaigners are increasingly targeting students at UK universities, where there has been a rise in the number of anti-abortion societies on
campus and demonstrations by outside groups displaying graphic imagery.
Sex education empowers young people. The government must stand up to those making faux religious freedom arguments in an attempt to stop them receiving it,
argues Stephen Evans.
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