anti-state • anti-war • pro-market
Monday, January 6th, 2020

How the Donald Assassinated America First

Article by David Stockman

A Dubious Official Story Masks the True Motives Behind the Soleimani Assassination

Article by Whitney Webb.

Death = Money on Wall Street

Article by Bill Sardi.

What About Franz?

Thoughts on conscientious objection and the new film ‘A Hidden Life.’ Article by Ellen Finnigan.

2019: The Year the Neocons Failed

Article by Thomas Luongo.

The Soleimani Assassination: The Long-Awaited Beginning of The End of America’s Imperial Ambitions

Article by Philip Giraldi.

Ruling Class Propaganda: Only Government-Approved Apps Allowed

Article by Mac Slavo.

Who Pays for the $1,500 Headlight?

Article by Eric Peters.

Putin Will Restrain Iranian Retaliation

Article by Paul Craig Roberts.

The Perpetual War – Is Iran Next?

Article by Michael Cheney.

How Long Will It Take for the US To Collapse?

Article by Brandon Smith.

The Killing of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani Was State Murder

How can anyone be so bloody stupid? Article by Peter Hitchens.

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