As COP fails once again, ‘not guilty’ verdicts in court show signs of change.
7 health professionals dressed in blue scrubs outside of court

Hello John

The twenty-seventh UN climate conference has failed to deliver the plan the world needs, but something is happening in UK courtrooms. 


In October, five scientists who glued themselves to the windows of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy were found not guilty by a magistrates court. The scientists acted to highlight the danger posed by new oil and gas exploration, and the court ruled that they were exercising their rights to protest under the Human Rights Act.


Last week, seven health professionals including three GPs, a nurse, an obstetrician and a clinical psychologist were in court after they blocked Lambeth Bridge in April 2022. They were cleared of all charges, with the judge - Judge Robinson - remarking that he was “impressed by the integrity and rationality of their beliefs” and that “their evidence was highly moving”. 


We can see the signs of change, but there is still much work to do. Will you donate to help us support everyone who takes action with Extinction Rebellion?

The latest draconian attempt by the government to shut down effective protest is only increasing public sympathy toward brave people who use their voices to stand up for justice and the protection of all humanity. Sixty six percent of people in the UK now support* nonviolent civil disobedience for the climate.


Together we are more powerful than we know.


Love and rage,

Extinction Rebellion UK


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