Friend -

When the missile landed in Poland last week, tragically killing two farmers, it could have been the end of all of us, and would have been, had the western news media and Ukrainian President Zelensky had their way.? Fortunately President Biden managed to tell the truth, that it was NOT from Russia, thereby averting a full scale official war between NATO and Russia.? How many more chances are we going to get?

It is urgent that mankind move off of this trajectory to inevitable thermonuclear annihilation, and toward a new paradigm of relations among perfectly sovereign nation-states.? To that end, I will be participating tomorrow in a conference of the Schiller Institute, which will include leaders from many nations seeking to bring about this needed change. I will be keynoting the second panel which will begin at 2:00 pm, not 1:30 as listed in the program.? The conference will open at 9:30 am with a keynote presentation by Schiller Institute founder Hlega Zepp-LaRouche.

Schiller Institute Conference: Stop the Danger of Nuclear War Now

Tuesday, November 22, 9:30 am - 5:00 pm



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