Dear Friend,
A few weeks ago, I went to Ukraine in a gesture of solidarity and good will, to meet with teachers who have suffered immensely during the war. My visit was arranged by our sister organization, the Ukrainian education union. I saw firsthand the destruction and deprivation wrought by the Russian invasion. I heard in the voices of these teachers the trauma and horror of their personal experiences with this war. The stories I heard from educators of the hardships they’re facing will stay with me for the rest of my life, but what truly struck me the most was the resilience and dedication to continue persevering with dignity in these unprecedented times.
While Ukrainians fight for their country, Americans have witnessed firsthand what a democracy under threat looks like. I am truly grateful that in this last election, our members turned out in huge numbers to save our democracy.
With the Thanksgiving holiday around the corner, I am writing to you to ask that you join with the AFT in a gesture of humanitarian generosity as we look to provide support for Ukrainian teachers, students and communities as they face not only the brutality of war, but a harsh and relentless winter.
Ukrainian teachers have told us that they strive to keep their schools open in order to create some sense of normality for themselves and their students. They need our help.
We are raising funds so that they can acquire generators to offset the loss of electricity caused by the Russian strikes on power stations. We will also provide winter clothes, boots and medical supplies. Click here to make your contribution to the AFT Relief for Teachers and Children in Ukraine Fund.
Your generosity has already made it possible for us to support summer camps for refugee children in Poland and professional courses for Ukrainian teachers that allow them to teach in Polish schools, and we are asking for you to extend a hand once more. In return for your donation, I will send you a short video that will introduce you to the teachers I met, and you can hear their stories firsthand. Their testimony exemplifies how important it is to defend democracy, at any and all costs.
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter, and I hope that we can count on your continued support as we offer ours to those fighting for freedom and democracy in Ukraine.
You can make your contribution before the end of Thanksgiving by clicking here.
In solidarity,
Randi Weingarten
AFT President
Randi Weingarten, President
Fedrick Ingram, Secretary-Treasurer | Evelyn DeJesus, Executive Vice President
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