They’ve been running the printing press full speed since the massive bailouts of 2009!

Dear Friend,

They’ve been running the printing press full speed since the massive bailouts of 2009!

Then came TARP and Quantitative Easing with mountains of newly created money.

Finally, COVID-19 lockdowns brought round after round of stimulus checks to Main Street.

All created from thin air.

Every one of those newly created dollars devalues the dollars in YOUR pocket that YOU worked so hard for.

At last, the avalanche of inflation is crashing down upon us. Jamie Dimon of JP Morgan Chase is calling it an ECONOMIC HURRICANE.

Give us a call today at 1-800-656-6091 and be sure to ask for your FREE WEALTH PROTECTION GUIDE!

What else is causing this hurricane for Americans?

Central banks around the world are beginning to shun the dollar.

Powerful countries are exploring ways to de-dollarize and set up competing reserve currencies.

More cheap dollars at home and less demand abroad means there is nowhere left for all those dollars to go.

Our supply chains remain struggling and broken.

As our dollars chase fewer and fewer goods here at home, your prices could continue to SKYROCKET.

America’s inflation nightmare is here – and so far its not transitory. A potentially devastating spike is ahead that could greatly damage your savings and your standard of living.


In just a few minutes, you can position your portfolio in a way that could keep your money protected and growing in the uncertain times ahead. And, we’ll help you understand how you could use your IRA or 401k to help make this happen.

Call today at 1-800-656-6091. We look forward to speaking with you soon. Click here to RECEIVE YOUR FREE WEALTH PROTECTION GUIDE.


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Lear Capital

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