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Greetings, comrades!


UAW Strike at UCSB

As you may have heard by now, University of California teaching assistants, readers, tutors, student researchers, post-docs, and academic researchers are all on strike across the state!  The unions involved represent over 48,000 UC workers, making this the largest higher education strike in US history!  Workers are striking for many reasons, but chief among them is the University's refusal to address concerns around the cost of living near UC campuses.  The fight to continue living where we work is one that many of us have become invested in at this point, and a win for any of us is a present or future win for all of us.

How can DSA help out?
  • Attend the rally TOMORROW, November 21, at Noon in front of the UCSB library!
  • Go to the picket line whenever you can!  People can be found in front of the library 8-5 every weekday (excepting Thanksgiving and the day after).  Maps included below.
  • Donations other than your time are also greatly appreciated!  The picket line always needs food and water deliveries.  DSA members have already been contributing, and you can reply to this email if you want to contribute but can't take things to the picket yourself.  There is also a mutual aid fund for UCSB workers that you can donate to at the Venmo account below.  So far, DSA SB has pitched in about $400 of chapter funds and personal donations, with both cash to the mutual aid fund and direct food donations.
  • Write to UC administration to let them know that the world is watching and on the side of the workers!  Some relevant people are:
  • Spread the strike!  Tell your friends and any other networks you have access to!
If you want more information and petitions, you can find them here.

This is a chance to support a local union in a historically significant strike.  A big win here is not only a win for all labor at UC, but also for all neoliberal higher education in this country, and for American workers as a whole!

In case you need help finding the picket, here is a large map of the area around UCSB with the library labeled in the middle of the campus.
Here is a more zoomed-in map centered on the library with picket locations.  The five purple circles and one purple arrow indicate likely places to find parking.  If you don't want to pay, you can also park in Isla Vista or at Goleta Beach.  In dark blue are the two bus stops one can use to get to campus.

What happened to the Poli Ed talks?

With Thanksgiving and the winter holidays coming up, our Poli Ed schedule for November and December have been somewhat disrupted.  People have also been overloaded with work, school, and family committments, as well as the strike mentioned above!  We figure the chapter should be focused on this historic strike in our own backyard anyway, so Poli Ed has been tabled until January!

Building a better future

Organize with us as we fight for a habitable planet and a just future.  See you soon.

In solidarity,
DSA Santa Barbara
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2012 Castillo St
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Santa Barbara, Ca 93105

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