News From Congressman Bilirakis
November 20, 2022

Dear Neighbor, 

Last week Congress returned to Washington, DC.  My colleagues and I understand that this is a dangerous time and we will have to carefully guard against any further reckless spending during this Lame Duck Session.   While we may not have been given the margin of seats we were hoping for during the mid-term elections, we will be in a position to accomplish many of the goals we have articulated over the last few months once we take majority control of the House this January.  In addition to playing defense, I will be laser-focused on delivering results for the American people by reining in the Biden administration’s reckless spending policies, unleashing domestic energy production, upholding law and order, securing our border, defending our Constitutional rights, and conducting crucial oversight.  Please continue reading for a brief overview of my work on your behalf last week!


Advocating for our Heroes


Did you know nearly 80% of retired veterans report being targeted by scams? Additionally, the FCC reports Veterans are twice as likely as the general public to fall victim to scams.  It is horrendous that so many of our brave men and women in uniform must worry about fraud once they return home.  To help combat this problem, my colleagues and I have filed the Veterans Protection from Fraud Act which would add up to 10 years to a prison sentence for a criminal convicted of committing or conspiracy to commit telemarketing or email marketing fraud that targets a Veteran.  


In this column, VA Secretary McDonough discusses the dramatic reduction in Veteran homelessness we’ve experienced over the last decade.  I applaud the VA for its successful implementation of legislation we enacted to help reduce Veteran homelessness and look forward to full implementation of the law we passed to utilize this same model for tackling Veteran Suicide rates.  


Protecting Consumers


My Integrity, Notification, and Fairness in Online Retail Marketplaces for Consumers  (INFORM Consumers) Act passed the House last week.  This bipartisan initiative will help protect American consumers while shopping online.  It directs online platforms that allow for third-party sellers of consumer products to verify the identity of high-volume third-party sellers. Requiring authentication of the identity of these online sellers will help deter organized retail crime rings who seek to sell stolen goods online. Click here to listen to me discussing this important initiative on the House Floor. 


Strengthening our Economy


Raging inflation has obviously taken a toll on all Americans.  One in three Americans in a recent poll indicate that their families are falling behind.   They are struggling to tread water and they are in urgent need of an economic turnaround!    The average American 401k account has seen a reduction of $34,000 as a result of irresponsible economic policies.  The time for action is now.  Americans cannot continue to absorb these losses while grappling with rising costs on everything.  We’ve got to implement commonsense solutions for getting our economy back on track!   One such commonsense approach as we work to grow our economy and end our dependence on foreign adversaries is strengthening our domestic manufacturing.  Last week, the House passed a bill I’ve been working on to enhance the public portal for sharing information about available programs to enhance domestic manufacturing.  This legislation is a step in the right direction!


There is also a new resource available to help low-income households in Pasco County who are struggling.  Eligible applicants can receive up to $1,000 of assistance on water and wastewater payments thanks to a new, federally-funded program operated by Pasco County utilities.  To apply, click here or call 352-796-1425.


Empowering Parents


According to the CDC, the average child ages 8-18 years old now spends a whopping 7.5 hours per day in front of a screen.  While there are many benefits to connectivity, there are also serious dangers for children.  We need to empower parents with the tools they need to keep their children safe and put protections in place to be sure children aren’t exploited online.  I am working on legislation to achieve these important goals. 


Addressing Crime


The crime crisis in our country is a very real threat to all Americans.  A new study shows that if we continue on the current pace, one in 179 Americans will become a victim.  We need to enforce the law, ensure law enforcement officers have the resources they need to do their jobs effectively, and end woke policies that allow violent offenders to be returned to our streets.  


Providing Accountability


Congressional oversight of the executive branch is a crucial responsibility that has been neglected over the past two years of one-party rule. House Republicans have sent over 500 requests for information from the Biden administration. In January, the subpoenas will rain down on this administration and we will start getting answers for the American people.  



Developing Future Leaders


Last week, I held my annual Military Academy Selection interviews.  In total, 31 of the brightest and most conscientious students in our community were interviewed by a panel of former military officers.  These impressive students have a strong desire to serve our country and to attend some of the most prestigious institutions in the nation. A special thank you to each of our judges for taking the time to evaluate these candidates.  I know they have a difficult task ahead of them as this was a truly remarkable group of students.  I look forward to learning which candidates they have selected to move forward in the process. 




Constituent Corner


My office recently received the following message from a constituent.


I want to thank your staff for helping my local small business understand the process for becoming a Community Care Partner with the VA.  I had been trying to figure out how to navigate the system since we opened three years ago, but was getting nowhere! Kristen in your office was very patient and was able to give me concrete steps to follow. As a result, we are now seeing about 10 Veteran patients per month.  Our new patients indicate being very happy with the services they are receiving and we are very grateful for your office's assistance.  


This is just one example of the work we do each day. Constituent services are a critical element of our congressional office. The federal government is a massive operation, and my office is available if you ever need assistance in navigating the bureaucracy or cutting through red tape. We are here to serve you!  



Gus Bilirakis
Member of Congress

Rep. Gus Bilirakis | 2354 Rayburn HOB, Washington, DC 20515