Plus who's supporting the hit on Soleimani in the Arab world?
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Iranian Militias in Iraq Vow Retaliation Ag. US Will Begin Sunday Night ([link removed]) Plus who's supporting the hit on Soleimani in the Arab world? Read and Share ([link removed])
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Muslim Patrol Sacrifices Former Officer to Bloods Gang ([link removed]) It didn't end well Read and Share ([link removed])
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US Versus Iranian Military Might ([link removed]) See how Iran stacks up Watch and Share ([link removed])
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Clarion's 2020 Predictions: Bernie, Jew Baiters & Western Insanity ([link removed]) And a Happy New Year to all our readers Read and Share ([link removed])
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Readers Write
UK Sex Grooming Gangs Victimize 19,000 Children in 2019 ([link removed])
“ And that's the only the one's we know about. God knows how many more there are.”
- A.B.
2019 Focus on White Supremacist Violence Doesn’t Explain NYC Attacks ([link removed])
“Perhaps because they fail to recognize the paradox between white supremacy & Islamists (including the Nation of Islam). Both ideologies are driven by hatred for Jews. Perhaps there needs to be greater focus on the links between the two ideologies.”
- S.R.F.
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