PFAW Member, Our nation may be divided over impeachment and the next election but they are united on one thing – strong majorities of Democrats, Independents and Republicans want political reforms that will restore a government that works for ALL Americans – not just for wealthy individuals and corporate special interests. As citizen movements are turning the demand for reform into action, states across the country continue passing pro-democracy reform laws; and House Democrats made it their number one priority when resuming majority control in 2019, with the introduction and passage of the For the People Act. Now that story is coming nationwide on PBS. Over the next several weeks, a new documentary called "The Democracy Rebellion," filmed and reported by veteran New York Times and PBS FRONTLINE correspondent Hedrick Smith, will feature those stories of everyday Americans who are fighting for these changes in the communities they live in. Check your local listings to find out when the documentary is scheduled to air near you>> The Democracy Rebellion is the story of our movement – graphic personal portraits and compelling narratives of citizen heroes and reformers fighting for clean elections, voter rights, redistricting reform, and leading the fight against secret money and rigged elections. As this broadcast rolls across the country from state to state, please use it as an opportunity to hold watch parties and movie nights that will help you engage and mobilize many more Americans in the cause of reform (especially with the 2020 election around the corner) by showing people power on the move – and winning! I hope you enjoy the film with friends and neighbors, and I thank you for your tireless effort to create a more just and equitable democracy. Thank you, - Zach, PFAW