In 2021, the Fair Fight team was critical in mobilizing support for Senator Warnock and getting him elected to the Senate. We’ve done it before, and with your help we’ll do it again. 


Here in Georgia, we’re hyper-focused on the US Senate Runoff Election — a pivotal test that will determine the strength of Democratic power and the volume of pro-democracy voices in the U.S. Senate.

Senator Raphael Warnock is running against anti-voter and anti-democracy candidate Herschel Walker — who promises to bring Donald Trump’s deeply problematic agenda to our doorstep, and whose extremist base could be newly emboldened by Trump’s presidential campaign announcement. But with your support, we’ll be ready to defeat him.

Our team at Fair Fight is on the ground in full force, and we’ll continue working hard to ensure that every Georgian’s voice is heard and every ballot is counted in this upcoming runoff. It’s our mission to keep voting rights champions like Senator Warnock in office, because we know he’ll continue to advocate for our fundamental freedoms — and the same certainly can’t be said for his opponent.

Voters are already requesting mail-in ballots, early voting is about to start, and we need your help to reach as many Georgia voters as possible and get Senator Warnock across the finish line. Will you please chip in $20 to Fair Fight’s Georgia Runoff Fund to fuel our voter protection and turnout efforts at this crucial moment?


In this year’s elections, voters were clear – they rejected anti-democracy candidates across the country — but a few like JD Vance and Ted Budd are still on their way to the Senate. That makes Senator Warnock’s pro-voter stance even more critical in Washington. It’s up to us to send him back to the Senate and strengthen our Democratic majority. We’ve seen that a razor-thin margin in the Senate won’t cut it.

In 2021, the Fair Fight team was critical in mobilizing support for Senator Warnock and getting him elected to the Senate. We’ve done it before, and with your help we’ll do it again.

Pitch in $20 or whatever you can to support Fair Fight’s Georgia Runoff Fund, help re-elect Senator Warnock, and help ensure all eligible voters have the freedom to make their voices heard.

Thanks for everything,

The Fair Fight Team