From Ready for Ron <[email protected]>
Subject FLASH POLL: DeSantis for President?
Date November 19, 2022 8:01 PM
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Ready for Ron It’s time for a leader who gets results. Ron’s landslide victory
and the victories of the candidates he endorsed speak for themselves.

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Fellow American,

It’s time for a leader who gets results. Ron’s landslide victory and the
victories of the candidates he endorsed speak for themselves.

If we’re going take back our country in 2024, we need to mobilize around a
leader who get results.We need to hear from your right now. Take the FLASH POLL
before it expires in 24 hours.
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🔴 FLASH POLL: Should Ron DeSantis run for President in 2024?

YES! Ron should Run!
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This poll will expire in 24 hours. Your answer could determine if Republicans
nominate a leader who knows how to win!
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— Ready for Ron

P.S. If you answer YES,
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your name will automatically be added to the DRAFT RON FOR PRESIDENT petition.


Ready for Ron is a grassroots effort dedicated to drafting Ron DeSantis for
President in 2024. Your support is critical to making sure this effort succeeds
in order to get America back on track.

Emails such as this are a critical way for us to stay in touch with
supporters like you. However, if you no longer believe in promoting this
effort, then pleaseclick here to unsubscribe.
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Our efforts depend on the support of America-First patriots like you. So if
you'd like to donate,please go here to donate today.
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Thank you.

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The use of the name and/or likeness of any candidate, officeholder, or other
individual is for the purpose of Ready for Ron political communication only and
IN NO WAY indicates any authorization by, affiliation with, direction from, or
endorsement by that person.
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