Next week, Oklahomans will travel near and far to gather with loved ones and enjoy a delicious Thanksgiving meal. Unfortunately, two years of one-party Democrat rule will make this hard for many. Grocery prices are skyrocketing, and travel is becoming a luxury few Americans can afford while fending off increasing utility bills and mortgage rates. Joe Biden’s gift to Americans this holiday season is a failing economy with no fix in sight.
An affordable Thanksgiving meal is off the table. Inflation is at a 40-year high, and there is no sign of it slowing. This means Americans will pay 13.5 percent more for their Thanksgiving meal. Grocery prices are 12.4 percent higher this year, and wholesale turkey prices have jumped 23 percent. Prices for the ingredients to prepare your favorite recipes are up too. For example, flour is up 24.6 percent, eggs are up 43 percent, and milk is up 14.5 percent.