"One anti-worker, union-busting, sniveling, sack o' shit billionaire is casually torpedoing the livelihoods of thousands of precarious media workers in the name of 'free speech,'" tweeted a labor journalist.
"Based on the publicly available information to date, a powerful case exists for charging Trump under several... federal criminal statutes," a group of legal experts argues.
The federal judge lambasted Florida officials' argument that "professors enjoy 'academic freedom' so long as they express only those viewpoints of which the state approves."
"Let me make a guess: the money was fossil fuel-related, and will buy continued Republican obstruction of obviously necessary climate measures," suggested Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse. "That's the pattern."
"Biden and Senate Democrats have decided to leave the economic equivalent of a nuclear arsenal on their front porch for Republicans to take and use as they see fit."
"As we race towards climate breakdown, once again we are seeing rich countries trying to evade their responsibility to step up and do their fair share of climate action," one activist said as talks spilled into overtime.
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Activists are not slowing down: it's clear that Wall Street holds an outsized responsibility for the death, destruction, and chaos caused by the climate crisis.
Millennials today hold only 4.6% of the nation's wealth and, along with Zoomers, struggle to own a home and are deeply in debt. What happened? In a word, Republicans…