The FBI has admtted to finding "nothing" in their raid. But they won't stop. These evildoers are obsessed and insane. No special counsel on the rampant voter fraud and special counsel on Joe and Hunter Biden's corrupt dealings with foreign countries. No ...
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DEMONIC: After Admitting Finding”Nothing”, AG Garland Names Special Counsel to Investigate Trump on Mar-a-Lago Documents
The FBI has admitted ed to finding “nothing” in their raid. But they won't stop. These evildoers are obsessed and insane. No special counsel on the rampant voter fraud and suppression.No special counsel on Joe and Hunter Biden's corrupt ...

Here Are Democrats Who Got FTX Millions
Over 92% of the 44 million dollars FTX went to Democrats, the few Republican recipients were Never Tumpers – Democrats in GOP clothing.

FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried's family boasts deep ties to Democrat power players: The Bankman-Fried ...

Democrat Maxine Waters Blew FTX Founder A Kiss – Will Now Lead Investigation Into FTX’s Collapse
Crytpo ponzi crook Sam Bankman-Fried  was invited to and appeared on a panel with Rep. Maxine Waters (D., Calif.), who oversees crypto issues as chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee.

Waters dismissed questions this week about ...

Arizona GOP Gubernatorial Favorite Kari Lake REFUSES TO CONCEDE, Hires Lawyers to Contest Result
Former Director of National Intelligence, Richard Grenell, “These Arizona voter stories are brutal.”

This is the very definition of voter suppression.

These voter stories on @KariLake’s instagram page are brutal. @maricopacounty has ...

Obama Judge Blocks Governor DeSantis’ “Stop Woke Act” For Colleges
Not only adjudicating to destroy our children's minds, U.S. District Judge Mark Walker ruled against portions of the Florida election law.

You didn't think the left-totalitarians were going to go quietly or relinquish control of your children's ...

CNN’s Team Hitler: CNN Silent on Producer Who Declared Himself Supporter of ‘#TeamHitler’
They even gave this Nazi a byline on a piece about Israel. This is what Jews are up against …..

CNN Silent on Producer Who Declared Himself Supporter of ‘#TeamHitler’

By; Akiva Van Koningsveld, Honest Reporting, November 17, 2022 ...

Defense Department Records Reveal U.S. Funding of Anthrax Laboratory Activities in Ukraine
What is it the Biden regime is actually fight for in Ukraine?

Judicial Watch: Defense Department Records Reveal U.S. Funding of Anthrax Laboratory Activities in UkraineJudicial Watch announced recently it received 345 pages of records from the ...

Israeli official blames Iran for UAV attack on oil tanker
A Biden-emboldened Iran continues to wreak havoc in the Middle East. With the Biden Administration's appeasement of Iran continuing, we can expect Iran and Israel's 'war between wars' to intensify in the second half of the Biden Administration's ...
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