"The Biden administration has not only shielded MBS from accountability in U.S. courts, but has effectively issued him a license to kill more detractors and declared that he will never be held accountable."
"This is a day of optimism and hope for over 40,000 people who have called on the DOJ to break up Live Nation-Ticketmaster, a corporation that has bent and broken the industry to its will since its entities merged in 2010."
"One anti-worker, union-busting, sniveling, sack o' shit billionaire is casually torpedoing the livelihoods of thousands of precarious media workers in the name of 'free speech,'" tweeted a labor journalist.
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Activists are not slowing down: it's clear that Wall Street holds an outsized responsibility for the death, destruction, and chaos caused by the climate crisis.
Midterm results across the country reveals that the heart of the Democrat's strength—and their greatest potential to grow a governing majority—lies in uniting people around an economy that works for all of us.
by Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II, Rev. Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove