Use this tool to advocate for a just transition away from fossil fuels.



Do you want your elected officials to advocate for a just transition away from fossil fuels to protect our climate and public health? Two major reports have been published recently that include a lot of important and scathing information about the gas industry and so-called “natural” methane gas. Let's make sure our policy makers read them.


The Multnomah County Health Department report confirms that gas stoves release dangerous air pollutants that increase the risk of childhood asthma and other respiratory problems. The report released by 76 Pacific Northwest organizations counters confusion created by gas utilities’ purposeful misinformation campaigns targeted at elected officials and the public, and includes over 100 citations of evidence and research on the dangers of methane in our communities. Both reports agree that to protect public health, improve air quality in homes, and mitigate climate change, gas stoves and other gas-burning appliances like furnaces should be replaced with electric alternatives whenever possible.


Use this simple tool to get this crucial information to our political leaders. Ask them to stand up for the climate and our health by making a just transition away from gas.


In solidarity,

The Breach Team


P.S. Breach Collective is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, so every dollar you give is tax deductible in the United States! Breach Collective’s EIN is 85-0743122.



PO Box 5291, Eugene, Oregon 97405

Breach Collective is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

©2020 Breach Collective. All rights reserved.