Dear Friend of Liberty,
I'm writing to you today because your right to protect yourself through self-manufacturing firearms is under assault. And I want to tell you about a couple of courageous clients who are fighting for these natural rights in court.
Mike Andren is a retired aerospace engineer and firearms instructor. Jennifer VanDerStok is a writer for a small local magazine who also happens to be a former law enforcement officer. Both Mike and Jennifer have embraced the American spirit of independence and the practice of crafting their own tools of self-defense-a proud tradition that predates the founding of our Nation.
But the Biden administration hates this. And it is now attempting to use the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) to sidestep Congress and rewrite the law to severely burden this time-honored tradition.
On top of this, gun control advocates have become focused on suppressing this right-especially through use of the misleading term "ghost guns."
Their intent is to tarnish the good reputation of peaceable citizens like Mike, who have dedicated themselves to helping others be self-sufficient and confident in their abilities to defend themselves, or Jennifer, who protected our community for eight years in law enforcement.
Mountain States Legal Foundation filed a lawsuit in August on behalf of Mike and Jennifer to defend their rights-and yours-in court.
And I'm asking you to support their fight by signing our petition and making a donation to our legal foundation today.
This case really has two components that are concerning.
First, even if you don't self-manufacture your own firearms, your natural rights could be greatly impacted. And that could hinder your ability to protect yourself and your loved ones.
Second, if the federal government is allowed to bypass Congress and the United States Constitution in this case, there's no telling what they'll get away with next.
But your voice today will tell the government that enough is enough. This blatant government overreach must be stopped.
Please sign the petition right now to stand with Mike and Jennifer-and for your right to bear arms using this secure link:
By doing so, you'll show unelected bureaucracies that they need to stop threatening the rights of individual citizens.
For Liberty!
Cristen Wohlgemuth
President & CEO
Mountain States Legal Foundation