
Now that 2020 is in full swing, I want to take a moment and check in with you about your priorities for this election.

Traveling the state, I hear so many reasons why Coloradans want new leadership in Washington right now.

Republicans are trying to sabotage our health care. Climate change is threatening our future. Plus, more than 200 Republican lawmakers just asked the Supreme Court to reconsider Roe v. Wade and abortion rights. The list goes on and on, but we have a chance this year to win this election, flip the Senate, and make real progress on these important issues.

Based on his voting record, it’s clear my incumbent Republican opponent is more concerned with pleasing the special interests backing his campaign than listening to Coloradans about what truly matters to them.

Now more than ever, we must come together to build a winning movement to take back Colorado and give people a leader they can put their trust in to do right by them. But the only way we’ll win is if we set our priorities and follow through on them together.

That’s why I’m hoping you’ll take a moment to let me know what’s on your mind and what issues matter most to you in this race. Click here to take my one-minute priorities survey now:

From the start, I’ve built my public service on listening as much as I talk. This campaign is about you, folks. That’s why your input matters so much today.

Thanks. I’ll be in touch.

— John